1. pl
  2. en

We have professional inspection, cleaning and disinfection equipment as well as chemicals that have been approved.The company's goal is to improve the quality of internal air by investing in more and more modern equipment. The order schedule is flexible - our services are available at all times, we operate throughout the country.

PU Protor is a dynamically developing enterprise on the ventilation market. We provide services in the field of cleaning and service of ventilation systems.

The company is based on three pillars: care for quality air, development of cleaning techniques and management by values. They accompany us during the implementation of the order

We provide comprehensive services, ranging from expert advice, through professional cleaning of equipment and disinfection of devices, and ending with microbiological testing and TV inspection with an endoscopic camera.

High quality of offered services is possible, among others, thanks to the highest quality standards.

Firma opiera się na trzech filarach: troska o jakość powietrza, rozwój technik czyszczenia oraz zarządzanie przez wartości. To one towarzyszą nam podczas realizacji zlecenia. Nasza oferta skierowana jest przede wszystkim do właścicieli obiektów:

The company's goal is to improve the quality of indoor air by investing in increasingly modern equipment and meeting the constantly changing expectations of our customers





Ul. Heweliusza 11

+48 510 545 961

80-890 Gdańsk


©2023 Protor-Vent